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Thanksgiving Foods You Can Share with Your Pets (and What to Avoid)

Thanksgiving Foods You Can Share with Your Pets (and What to Avoid)

Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, and feasting—and our pets are often right by our side, eager to join in. I’ll never forget the year my dog, Koal, sat patiently through dinner only to swipe an entire turkey leg when we turned our backs. While it was hilarious in hindsight, it reminded me that not all Thanksgiving foods are safe for our furry friends. Here’s a guide to what you can safely share and what to avoid this holiday season.

Safe Foods for Dogs and Cats

  1. Turkey (Plain and Cooked): Plain, boneless, and skinless turkey is safe for pets. According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), turkey is a great source of protein, but avoid any fatty parts, skin, and bones which can be harmful source.

  2. Sweet Potatoes (Plain): Cooked and plain sweet potatoes are great for dogs and cats as they are rich in fiber and vitamins. Avoid candied versions or those topped with marshmallows source.

  3. Green Beans: Steamed green beans without added ingredients are a safe and nutritious option for pets. This veggie is low in calories and high in fiber source.

  4. Pumpkin: Plain pumpkin, without any added sugars, spices, or fillers, is a healthy and digestive-friendly treat for pets. It’s particularly helpful for their digestive health source.

Foods to Avoid

  1. Stuffing and Gravy: These often contain onions, garlic, and excessive amounts of fat, which are toxic and can lead to severe health problems in pets source.

  2. Mashed Potatoes: Although plain potatoes are not harmful, the butter, cream, and seasonings in typical mashed potatoes can cause gastrointestinal upset source.

  3. Chocolate and Desserts: Chocolate is highly toxic to both dogs and cats. Avoid sharing any desserts as they may contain dangerous ingredients like artificial sweeteners (xylitol) and raisins source.

This Thanksgiving, keep your pets safe by offering only pet-friendly foods and avoiding harmful ones. Your furry friends will appreciate the delicious, safe treats! For more pet tips, be sure to stay tuned for more tips from your #1 pet advocates at Hearty Pet! From our family to yours, we hope you have a happy and safe holiday! 🦃

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